About this site

About this site

My name is Sharwari Tilloo. I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder when I was around 17 years old. My parents were always very supportive so it made life less painful. In spite of support, having a mental illness can be very lonely. To try to have a normal life is a continuous learning process. I am always trying to identify what about me is me and what is the illness. It is a constant struggle to find ways to deal with the illness so I can have a stable personal and professional life.

I decided to start this blog to share my struggles with bipolar and also talk about what has helped me over the years. Mental illnesses are extremely misunderstood and I hope that people who are suffering from any can find some answers through my experiences. But most of all, through this blog I want to reach out to people with mental illness and say it is OK.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a mental health professional. The opinions expressed on this blog are purely from my own experiences.