Animal Instinct

Animal Instinct

I am a city person. I like the buzz of a city, the activity and people and of course the convenience. But I need to escape to nature every once in a while to centre myself and find peace and quiet. 

Recently I spent a few days at a mountain retreat. Everything about the place was grounding- the nature, the community living, the simple technology-free life, the extraordinary people, healthy food and lifestyle, birds and animals. There were dogs, horses, cats, rabbits, the occasional deer, ferret and fox!

Horse Medicine

One day I signed up for horse assisted therapy; a ‘Horse Medicine’ session (equine assisted healing and coaching).
I had never heard of it and had no idea what to expect. There were three therapy horses on the grounds. The coach, Danielle Visarius* who facilitates the sessions, said early morning would be best because of the heat, so I made my way to the field at 6.30am.

For some time, we just sat watching the horses while Danielle told me about the three horses- Zenna, a mare (female horse), Hedu and Forest, two geldings (male horses). Like human beings, all horses have different personalities. She asked me about my intention for the session and if I had any issues that really concerned me. I told her about my bipolar disorder and also the high levels of anxiety I go through. She said to be aware of my emotions and that the horses will guide me. 

Horses are naturally extremely sensitive and tuned in to their environment and each other. They can sense where there might be tension, and help us become aware of our unconscious patterns, belief systems, and authentic needs. 

We then went over to the horses and I was instantly drawn towards Forest, the oldest gelding. I started petting him. His fur was white and so soft to touch. He was calm and I immediately felt really relaxed; like he was absorbing my tensions and telling me to just let go and lean on him. I stood against him for a long time feeling protected and extremely sleepy! 

I didn’t want to move but Danielle told me to see how I felt with the other two horses. I first went to Zenna because she was calling me by standing really close to me. I started petting her and suddenly felt alert, my yawning stopped. I felt like I needed to protect her and be alert! With Hedu, there wasn’t much of a connection. He seemed aloof and didn’t want to be bothered. 

The differences in reactions

Danielle explained that how we feel with horses can show how we feel with close people in our lives and how we feel around those people. The horses can symbolize someone or a relationship in our life and play out the dynamic of that relationship. They can offer us clarity about a certain relationship constellation we are in and what role we take on in that relationship and how we perceive the other person in that relationship to be. I could certainly see this play out in my interaction with the horses. 

I was with the horses for about two hours. I felt relaxed and drained at the same time. It was an intense, emotionally cathartic experience. It made me think about my relationship constellation. I needed some time to process this amazing experience. A nap seemed the logical next step. 

It was one of the best naps I have had. I felt calm and relaxed for the rest of the day. I don’t know if consistent horse therapy has any long term effects but if given the opportunity I would definitely want to try it out.

Animals and us

Some research shows that there are benefits to having a pet, like reducing anxiety, companionship, lowering blood pressure and others. However there is not enough empirical data to establish a definitive connection between animals helping in alleviating symptoms of psychological disorders. Having said that, we’ve all read stories about human beings’ connections with tigers, apes, monkeys, horses, dolphins…what have you. 

There is some truth in the value of animals for emotional support because In the United States one can have an Emotional Support Animal or ESA and can take it everywhere with you, even on a plane. Well mostly, unless it’s something ridiculous like a peacock or a horse. You can read more about that here

Man’s best friend

I have had dogs for the last many years and I find that sometimes in times of low phases, they are better companions than human beings. They don’t judge, they listen to you, they are always happy to see you and they sense when their human needs some love and affection and give it unconditionally. This has been my experience not only with my own dogs but also dogs who have stayed with me. If you speak to any dog or animal owner, they will all say the same thing- that their animals give them the kind of emotional support that other human beings can’t. 

I feel that being with animals can bring you to get in touch with your most base self and emotions. So if you’re not an animal person, I would say give it a shot. If you are, well then according to me you are already privy to one of the most special relationships you’ll ever experience. 


We are excited to announce that Danielle will be the guest author on our next blog post. She will be sharing her professional insights on horse assisted therapy.

*Danielle Visarius is a Horse Medicine facilitator, Embodiment Coach, and Emotional Clearing & Spiral practitioner. Through her work she empowers people to live a more authentic life, in alignment with their true nature. You can follow her on Facebook and Instagram: and or contact her through

I am not a mental health professional. All blog posts are based on my subjective experiences and opinions.

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