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Tag: reading

In Sickness and in Health

In Sickness and in Health

For the last two weeks, I’ve been laid up with two intense infections that overlapped- stomach flu/gastritis and either H3N2 or Covid. I have no energy, I am breathless all the time and my delicate stomach won’t allow me eat much. Being someone who likes to exercise and be occupied all the time, this period of quarantine has been mind numbingly boring. So if I get a sudden unprecedented burst of energy at 4.30am, I am going to take full…

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Escape to Another Word

Escape to Another Word

I come from a family of readers. Not just my immediate family but my extended family too. My sister was a voracious reader as a young girl. In fact, there are old photographs with her with a book and me without. So when I wasn’t reading obsessively by the time I was 10 years old, my mother started getting palpitations thinking that she had given birth to a non-reader. Fortunately for us all, it was only a passing phase and…

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