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Tag: stress

Why so tired?

Why so tired?

I am not a morning person. Well, sometimes neither am I a day nor night person! When I wake up, I never feel happy or have a carpe diem attitude. On some days, it takes a tremendous amount of effort to get out of bed. On most days, a cup of chai gives the push. After reading a number of articles, I came to the conclusion that I probably have morning depression. These articles stated that people with mental illness…

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Normal is underrated

Normal is underrated

Yesterday I was 23 and financially and emotionally independent. I was working towards fulfilling my dream career; a PhD student at a ‘top-tier’ institute. On paper my life was perfect, and yet, I felt like I did not deserve to be happy or enjoy simple pleasures like hot showers, delicious meals, meeting friends etc. I did not stop myself from doing these, but I constantly felt guilty about it. I went on with life ordinarily and lived with my feelings…

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How are you feeling today?

How are you feeling today?

Awareness How do you feel today? Are you agitated, stressed, anxious, hyper? I often feel all of these things, sometimes all at once. Do you ask yourself this question? Are you attuned to how your mind and body are feeling? It took me a while to become aware of changes in my mind and subsequently my body.  I also realised that my emotions and my thoughts manifest in some part of my body.  Like all physical illnesses, all mental illnesses…

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